Cast bronze. 7" x 4" x 2". 2023. ​​​​​​​
This is a bronze tool I designed for an assignment to create a "tool for the future". Because of my interest in archaeology and the materiality of bronze, I designed a tool from the distant future that was excavated even further in the future. I wanted to create something the viewer wanted to pick up and interact with. This is inspired in part by an Inca tool called a paccha. A paccha is a handheld ritual watering device for the first watering of maize. Thinking about the inevitable environmental collapse in the future and the paccha I came up with a fictional handheld watering tool. This tool, Agricultural Tool #389B c. 2815 is used to rehydrate extremely dry water by tilling the earth while watering it to deeply penetrate the layers of soil. The narrative I created with this piece is that 2815 is far enough in the past that this found object does not have a known name or function.
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